The Product Check test

Our tests follow a fixed and always identical process, so that an independent and objective evaluation of the products is possible. We test every product on site. This means that we not only gather information from the Internet, but also look at the product in detail and test it for certain features. The final score is made up of various categories such as packaging, design, quality and value for money. The exact test catalog can be viewed here.

evaluation categories

General information: (max 30 points)

  • Is the address of the dealer/manufacturer indicated? 8 points
  • Is the country of origin indicated? 7 points
  • Possibility of contacting the dealer/manufacturer by phone/email? 8 points
  • Product detail page, instructions, packaging in english? 7 points

Product Test: (Max 50 points)

  • What is the quality of the product/material? 8 points
  • Is the product easy to use? 7 points
  • What is the visual appearance/design of the product? 7 points
  • Was the product packaged securely for shipping? Was unnecessary packaging material avoided? 7 points
  • Does the product solve the existing problem? How useful is the product? 7 points
  • Is the product suitable for the intended purpose? 7 points
  • Is it possible to assemble and disassemble the product without professional knowledge? How easy is the product to operate and use? 7 points

evaluation categories

General information: (max 30 points)

  • Is the address of the dealer/manufacturer indicated? 8 points
  • Is the country of origin indicated? 7 points
  • Possibility of contacting the dealer/manufacturer by phone/email? 8 points
  • Product detail page, instructions, packaging in english? 7 points

evaluation categories

The influencing factors may vary depending on the product type Specific properties
may be tested depending on the product

The influencing factors may vary depending on the product type
Specific properties may be tested depending on the product

100-85very good1-1.5
29-10 inadequate 4.6-5.5
9-0 insufficient 5:6-6

frequently asked questions

You have questions, we have the answers.
How can I have my product tested?
We enable both small start-ups and established companies to have their products tested by us. We place particular emphasis on equal opportunities and neutral evaluation. Our testers are trained for this and always carry out product tests professionally and conscientiously.
We generally offer three packages . Test costs for one product: €299 for test & 12 months license (extension €99 for 12 months). Test costs for two products: €499 for test & 12 months license (extension €198 for 12 months). Test costs for three products: €699 for test & 12 months license (extension €297 for 12 months). For product test requests for more than three products, we will of course make you an individual offer.
You will receive your test results within 7 working days at the latest.